Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Happy Independence Day

Well, its hard to believe that it is already the 3rd of July.   This time is "bitter/sweet" to me.  Growing up, and well really until I moved to San Diego, the 4th of July was my FAVORITE holiday!   As a kid, I got up early on the 4th and started firing off black cats, making bombs, and blowing up everything I could... or at least setting it on fire!  Getting on my bike and going to the fire work stand and buying more!  (of course I would never let my kids have that much fun, what were my parents thinking!?)   My dad would take some time out to blow stuff up with me, teach me things I was sworn NEVER to tell my mom about...   Then as the day kept going we would make home made ice cream in the ice cream crank and usually bbq, all the fresh corn and beans from the garden, and maybe even some strawberries and watermelon.     Living in the city, well, the 4th just isn't the same!  The closest, I guess  was about 7 yrs ago when we went to the desert and shot guns and some fireworks...but if i remember...it was 115 degrees out...uuugggghhhhh.    So, for the past 10 yrs I really haven't gotten to blow anything up or set anything on fire.   But, I still love the 4th, I love to see the flags flying everywhere, I love to see people thinking about our freedom and our country.   Ya know, we may not see eye to eye on our political views, or our religious ideas, and I will be the first to admit... America is not what it used to be, and not what I had hoped it would be when I was a kid... BUT, no matter what...I AM PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN!    HAPPY 4th of July to everyone!