Monday, April 16, 2012

SPRING is in the AIR

And so are pregnant women!!!!  Tonight I was sitting in bed editing (something I do most nights) and Sami my 7yr old crawls in bed next to me, she loves to watch me edit….and talk my ear off…. She says “ANOTHER pregnant lady mom!!”   I hadn’t thought about it until I heard her say it… but WOW, I have had a lot of new mommies the past month!!!     I have a program called the Watch Me Grow program… it is an unbeatable deal!!!  I started offering it after   Sami, my youngest was born and I was reminded how tough it is to have a new baby, how expensive it is…and HOW FAST they grow up and that “baby” is gone forever!!!!  (Don’t get me wrong, my 19 yr old is still very much my “baby” but he isn’t small and cute anymore!!! LOL)  
With the WMG membership you got portrait sessions at New Born, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months and 1yr.   For each session you only pay $100 and you receive all of your 4x6 proofs, the digital images and copyright release & 3 printed sheets…that’s a $325 value each time for only $100!!!   It only cost $300 to join and you save all year!   You can add in siblings, the whole family, or just bring baby…up to you!   If you want to add in an additional session you get a discount…if you want to go on location to the park or the beach, you get a discount!!!    The savings don’t stop!!!    OH, I almost forgot… when you come in for the New Born session, I also design custom photo birth announcements for you and give you 50 absolutely free!!
So… my secret, why I have had so many pregnant women the past couple months….. If you join the WMG…. You get to add in a Maturity session for only $100!!!